How to repair damaged skin and prevent scarsHow to repair damaged skin and prevent scars

How to repair damaged skin (and prevent scars)

Your skin is easily damaged. A bump, scratch or cut is all that is needed. Damage can also result from sunburn, burn wounds or radiation therapy. There are many causes. What you want to know is, ‘What is the quickest way to heal my damaged skin and prevent scar forming?’ After all, a souvenir of your skin damage is the last thing you want… and certainly not on your face!

Keep your skin hydrated – use the right cream

The best way to heal damaged skin is to apply a cream that hydrates your skin, several times a day.  Because this is exactly what your skin needs to heal properly – water.

Unfortunately, water is precisely what your damaged skin is no longer able to retain. The reason for this is that your upper skin layer seals your skin and prevents evaporation. And that sealing layer is what your damaged skin is now missing.

As a result, moisture evaporates and your skin dries out – becoming itchy, red and painful. And, finally, your wound becomes a scar.

The correct cream seals your skin against moisture loss. Many hydrating creams only introduce moisture to the skin. But if your skin is not sealed, that moisture evaporates as quickly as it was applied. Only a few creams seal your skin, ensuring that it retains added moisture.

ALHYDRAN hydrates your skin and seals it against moisture loss

ALHYDRAN hydrates and seals your damaged skin. So that your wound gets all the time it needs to heal in the best way possible. Start applying our cream (3 x per day) once your wound has healed and the skin is closed.

ALHYDRAN has been proven to be effective – both in clinical trials and by our many, satisfied users, who have awarded ALHYDRAN an average rating of 8.9.

Finally, for those requiring still more convincing – ALHYDRAN scar cream is also used in burn centres to treat (serious) burns patients and is recommended by many hospitals.